Recently I decided to start growing a few herbs on our patio so I headed over to Home Depot to pick some up. While I was there I came across Lemon Balm which smelled so amazing that I had to take a plant home with me. I had never heard anything about Lemon Balm before so I did some research and discovered that it contains chemicals that have a sedative, calming effect, and is even used to ease an upset stomach, or as a mild pain reliever. You can use Lemon Balm in many ways, but I decided to start with something simple by using the herb in a relaxing herbal water that is super refreshing on a hot day.
1 handful of Lemon Balm Leaves, washed
1 tsp Honey
1 Lemon
Muddle the leaves and honey in the bottom of a glass. Add a few cubes of ice, fill the glass with water and squeeze in a little lemon juice. Stir and enjoy!